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About Uganda

Uganda Karte


Where is Uganda

Uganda is a landlocked country located across the equator in the eastern centre of Africa.


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Essen Nilquelle bei Jinja_Foto KWDT



Regarding Uganda, it is impossible to talk about one culture as there are many different cultures in this country.


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Flora und Fauna


Flora and Fauna

Uganda is well known for its rich flora and fauna. Kibale National Park, located in south-west Uganda, is one of the last ...


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Karamoja in North Uganda   


Uganda's altitude contributes to a very pleasant, temperate-tropical climate. Due to its location on the equator, there are two rainy seasons, between March ...


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School partnership ceremony Kololo Senior Secondary School   

The Ugandan School System

The Ugandan education system is primarily based on the British system, which stems from the country's past as a protectorate of the British Empire, ...


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UNESCO World Heritage

Uganda is not left out when it comes to World Heritage. The World Heritage Sites include ...


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