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Flight has many faces - A comparative analysis of the situation of refugees in Uganda and Germany

18. 09. 2024 von - Uhr

Date: 18 September 2024, 4 - 6.15 pm
Place: Online
Speakers: Dr. Sophie Nakueira (Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialanthropologie)

                  Prof. Dr. Winfried Kluth (Universität Halle)
Organiser: Sebit & ENS e.V.
Language: German and English (without interpretation)

Registration deadline: 12 September 2024


The initial situation and the reality of life for people in Germany and Uganda may be very different. What both countries have in common is that they take in many people who have had to flee their home countries. According to the UNHCR, Uganda took in around 98,000 refugees in 2023, mainly from the DR Congo, Sudan and South Sudan. In Germany, around 340,000 people applied for asylum last year, most of whom came from Syria, Iraq and Turkey.

The event aims to draw attention to how Uganda and Germany organise the reception of refugees. What framework conditions are created by politics? What is the reality of refugees' lives, especially those of particularly vulnerable groups, and how do the host societies react?

Professor Winfried Kluth (University of Halle) and Dr Sophie Nakueira (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology) will provide information on this. Both have conducted research in the VULNER project, which focussed specifically on the situation of vulnerable groups of refugees worldwide.

You can register for the event at . You will then be sent the link to the video conference before the event begins.


Dr. Sophie Nakueira holds a PhD in Public Law, from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. She is a Research Associate in the Department of Law and Anthropology at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Germany. Sophie conducts ethnographic research in refugee camps to investigate how the implementation of international and domestic laws affect refugees and asylum seekers in Africa. In her recent project, VULNER, which was funded by the EU, she came up with policy recommendations for the European Union advising how humanitarian aid can be designed and implemented to improve the lives of refugees in Uganda. She is also actively involved in supporting international organisations in address the legal needs of refugees in Tanzania.


Prof. Dr Winfried Kluth is University Professor of Public Law at the Law Department of MLU Halle-Wittenberg and Managing Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Cooperative and Cooperation Research - IWE GK, the Chamber Law Research Centre and the Migration Law Research Centre.
In his research, he focusses on a broad spectrum of issues relating to public commercial law, chamber law, migration law, health law and questions of legislative theory. He is a member of the Expert Council for Integration and Migration and is active in legislative counselling for the Bundestag and federal and state ministries. He is a member of the Research Institute for Social Cohesion in Halle, where he conducts research on infrastructure cooperatives. From 2000 to 2014, he was a judge at the Constitutional Court of Saxony-Anhalt. He has been a member of the Expert Council on Integration and Migration since January 2023.


