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School Partnerships

Why international school partnerships?


Questionnaire for school partnerships

Through international school partnerships, pupils learn about the world from a different perspective, not just from books, but through direct contact with other pupils. This strengthens pupils' social and intercultural skills, as well as the language skills acquired through these exchanges.

A globalised world needs globally minded pupils. With the Global Sustainability Goals adopted in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda, sub-goal 4.7 calls for "By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and an appreciation of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development".


We live in an age in which it is not enough to think only about the ME, we must also focus on the WE. The world is facing many challenges such as climate change, migration, wars, etc., the effects of which are being felt and spreading worldwide. To meet these challenges, we need to stick together, act together and find solutions together.

Through school partnerships, students can exchange ideas about such challenges, think about possible solutions together and implement them. They also give pupils the opportunity to experience the world in all its diversity.

For the establishment of international school partnerships between Uganda and Saxony, the team of the partnership project is ready to accompany you in the process, to provide you with the necessary advice on the topic of school partnerships Uganda-Saxony and to find a suitable school for you.


 School partnership ceremony Kololo Senior Secondary School and Gemeinschaftsschule Campus Cordis

Foto: Kololo Senior Secondary School


School partnerships between Uganda and Saxony


The establishment of Ugandan-Saxon school partnerships is one of the areas of work of the project "SDG - Saxony thinks globally - Saxony and Uganda well connected" under the umbrella of the Development Policy Network Saxony e.V. (ENS), which encourages Saxon schools to enter into school partnerships with schools in Uganda.


"In view of the shortage of teachers, the lingering consequences of the pandemic and the processing of global crises, many schools find themselves challenged with the implementation of "everyday business" - but this also creates the need for and space for new concepts. Exchange with partners from the Global South, mutual learning of solution strategies and the development of a shared vision for and work on the future can contribute to overcoming these challenges" (ENSA development policy school exchange programme, 2024).


Our aim is to bring schools from Saxony and Uganda together in order to establish long-term school partnerships. In the partnership, development policy topics such as global justice, climate debates, education for sustainable development (ESD), topics that affect everyone in a global context, can be discussed. During this process, the Development Policy Network Saxony (ENS) on the Saxon side and our co-operation partner Katosi Women Development Trust (KWDT) on the Ugandan side offer advice and support.


How do I start a school partnership with Uganda?


Questionnaire for school partnerships


We want to make it as easy as possible for you to start a school partnership. Below you will find a step-by-step overview of how the process towards a school partnership is organised and how we support and accompany you:


Step 1: You can download a questionnaire from our website, which is used to gather the most important information about your school and your goals and expectations regarding the school partnership.


Step 2: On the basis of the completed questionnaire, we search for a suitable school in Uganda via our Ugandan partner KWDT. This can take a while, as a suitable school is not always immediately listed in the Ugandan network. As soon as a suitable partner school is found, both parties will be informed.


Step 3: On both the Saxon and Ugandan sides, we offer an (online) preparatory event for the schools willing to partner. This event serves to sensitise potential partners and prepare them for possible challenges that can arise in North-South partnerships.


Step 4: We organise an initial joint online meeting where the two schools can get to know each other and where further steps in the partnership process can be discussed directly. We also recommend recording the school partnership in writing in a joint partnership declaration.


Are you convinced that we can create a fairer and more sustainable world together with the younger generation? Then join our international school partnership programme between Saxony and Uganda.


You are welcome to contact us for individual counselling appointments.



Joseline Amutuhaire-Ondrušek (she/her)

co-coordination Uganda-Saxony Partnership



Mobile: +49 (0)178 874 1050