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Due to its location in the east of Germany and its distance from the Atlantic ocean, the climate in Saxony is more continental in character than in other German federal states. This means that there is generally less rainfall and it is colder in winter and warmer in summer compared to other federal states.
In general, the climate is characterised by the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring (March-May), a rainier period begins and temperatures rise increasingly to an average of 5° to 15° Celsius. There can be big differences between day and night temperatures. Until mid-May, frost can still occur at night, especially in the mountainous regions in the south of Saxony. Summer (June-August) is the warmest and brightest season with temperatures ranging from 20° to over 30° Celsius. Due to the high temperatures, thunderstorms with heavy rain, lightning and thunder occur more frequently. In autumn (September-November), the days get shorter again and it gets colder. Temperatures range from 18° to 5° Celsius and it rains more frequently again, especially in November. Winter (December-February) is the coldest season with average temperatures between 5° and -5° Celsius. The days are short with often little sunshine.


Vegetation follows the seasons, which means that nature comes back to life in spring after a dormant period in winter. The trees and plants begin to grow and blossom and produce their fruit over the course of the summer. The late summer and early autumn is the main harvest time in Saxony. After this, the trees lose their leaves due to the falling temperatures, the plants wither and nature comes to rest until the next spring begins.


Photo: ENS e.V.