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Bettina Kupke

Bettina Kupke

Public Relations Officer

Social justice must not be a conscience-cleansing patch on an item of clothing. The aim is to permanently sensitise the public to the conditions in the production of fashion and food chains and to question individual consumption decisions. ENS e. V. unites the fight for sustainable development and social justice worldwide, starting in Saxony, a federal state that particularly needs this commitment.


Since 2021, I have been responsible for public relations and communication at ENS e.V. and within the Clean Clothes Campaign. Education on sustainable development, anti-racist work and political action are at the centre of my interests. I organise my work in a feminist, anti-capitalist and art education way.



Email: bettina.kupke[at]einewelt-sachsen.de

Fon:+49 179 439 2166