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Ulrike Rosemann

Co-Project Coordinator

My task is to network Saxon and Ugandan civil society organisations, organise partnership exchanges and make East African Uganda better known in Saxony. In the project, we work in coordination with the Saxon State Chancellery, which initiated the Saxon-Ugandan partnership.


I myself have been active for many years as an education officer in global learning/ESD and as a project coordinator. In 2021-2022, I was involved in the organisation of the federal congress WeltWeitWissen2022, which was organised in cooperation between ENSA and ENS. Before moving to Leipzig, I worked at the Görlitz-based organisation Tierra - Eine Welt e.V. as a development education officer. I originally studied English and German language and literature and after graduating, I initially worked as an educator for English, German as a foreign language and literacy.

Email: ulrike.rosemann[at]einewelt-sachsen.de
Fon: +49 178 2733 988