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About the ENS

ENS LOGO_farbe

The Uganada-Saxony Partnership project is organised by the Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V. (Development Policy Network Saxony)

The Entwicklungspolitische Netzwerk Sachsen e. V. (ENS) is an association of groups, initiatives and organisations that are committed to sustainable development and global justice. The ENS was founded in 1995 as an association and is now a platform for development policy and intercultural initiatives in Saxony.

We want to set out on the path to a just, peaceful and environmentally friendly global society that enables everyone to live a life worth living.

The fields of activity of our members include:

  • Partnership-based development cooperation 


  • Development policy education and public relations work 


  • Fair trade, business and sustainability 


  • Linking environmental protection and social justice 


  • Intercultural and interreligious education 


  • Human rights and anti-racism work

As part of the ENS network, we work together to improve the framework conditions for development policy stakeholders in Saxony and our international partners:


  • Representing interests at state and national level: We talk to decision-makers in politics, business and society and convince them with our own ideas.


  • Coordination and cooperation: We support the cooperation of various stakeholders regionally, nationally and internationally. 


  • Service: We advise associations, initiatives and individuals on organisational and content-related issues. 


  • Press and public relations work: We show global connections and ways to live more justice.


  • Education: We organise seminars, workshops, panels and conferences and facilitate thematic and methodological exchange. 


Website: www.einewelt-sachsen.de